
塚田 幸行(つかだ さちゆき)
医学博士 / 日本整形外科学会専門医
平成16年 日本医科大学 卒業
平成20年 新潟中央病院整形外科
平成22年 川口工業総合病院整形外科
平成24年 猫山宮尾病院整形外科
平成26年 聖路加国際病院整形外科
平成27年 北水会記念病院水戸人工膝関節センター
平成27年 JOSKAS Outstanding Young Investigator Award
平成30年 平成29年度 日本整形外科学会 奨励賞
平成30年 JOSKAS ベスト口演賞
令和2年 第14回日本Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery研究会 Best Oral Presentation賞
令和3年 日本整形外科学会-アメリカ整形外科学会トラベリングフェロー
1. Tsukada S, Ogawa H, Nishino M, Kurosaka K, Hirasawa N.
Augmented reality-assisted femoral bone resection in total knee arthroplasty.
JBJS Open Access. In Press
2. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Kurosaka K, Nishino M, Maeda T, Hirasawa N, Matsue Y.
Intraoperative intravenous and intra-articular plus postoperative intravenous tranexamic acid in total knee arthroplasty: a placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020
3. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Kurosaka K, Nishono M, Ogawa H, Hirasawa N.
Intraoperative loose flexion gap may restrict postoperative knee flexion after J-curve design posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty.
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2020
4. Tsukada S, Ogawa H, Nishino M, Kurosaka K, Hirasawa N.
Augmented reality-based navigation system applied to tibial bone resection in total knee arthroplasty.
J Exp Orthop. 2019
5. Tsukada S (Correspoinding aughor), Kurosaka K, Nishino M, Maeda T, Yonekawa Y, Hirasawa N.
Intra-articular tranexamic acid as an adjunct to intravenous tranexamic acid for simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019
6. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Kurosaka K, Nishono M, Maeda T, Hirasawa N.
A strategy of continued antiplatelet agents, vitamin K antagonists, and direct oral anticoagulants throughout the perioperative period of total knee arthroplasty in patients receiving chronic antithrombotic therapy.
JBJS Open Access. 2019
7. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Kurosaka K, Maeda T, Iida A, Nishino M, Hirasawa N.
Early stage periarticular injection during total knee arthroplasty may provide a better postoperative pain relief than late-stage periarticular injection: a randomized-controlled trial.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019
8. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Kurosaka K, Nishino M, Hirasawa N.
Cutaneous hypesthesia and kneeling ability after total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial comparing anterolateral and anteromedial skin incision.
J Arthroplasty. 2018
9. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M.
Continuing versus discontinuing antiplatelet drugs, vasodilators, and/or cerebral ameliorators on perioperative total blood loss in total knee arthroplasty without pneumatic tourniquet.
Arthroplasty Today. 2018
10. Tsukada S, Niga S, Nihei T, Imamura S, Saito M, Hatanaka J.
Iliopsoas disorder in athletes with groin pain: prevalence in 638 consecutive patients assessed with MRI and clinical results in 134 patients with signal intensity changes in the iliopsoas.
JBJS Open Access. 2018
11. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), T Fujii, Wakui M.
Impact of soft tissue imbalance on knee flexion angle after posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasty.
J Arthroplasty. 2017
12. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M.
Combined intravenous and intra-articular tranexamic acid in simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty without tourniquet use.
JBJS Open Access. 2017
13. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M.
Is overcorrection preferable for repair of degenerated articular cartilage after open-wedge high tibial osteotomy?
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017
14. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M, Hoshino A.
The impact of including corticosteroid in a periarticular injection for pain control after total knee arthroplasty: a double-blind randomised controlled trial.
Bone Joint J. 2016
15. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M.
A case series of total hip arthroplasty using cementless hip stem customized for patients of a specific race: 10- to 15-year results.
J Arthroplasty. 2016
16. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M, Yoshizawa H, Miyao M, Honma T.
Three-Dimensional Computed Tomographic Analysis for Comminution of Pertrochanteric Femoral Fracture: Comminuted Anterior Cortex as a Predictor of Cutting Out.
Open Orthop J. 2016
17. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M, Hoshino A.
Pain control after simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial comparing periarticular injection and epidural analgesia.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015
18. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M.
Lower dislocation rate following total hip arthroplasty via direct anterior approach than via posterior approach: Five-year-average follow-up results.
Open Orthop J. 2015
19. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M, Hoshino A.
Postoperative epidural analgesia compared with intraoperative periarticular injection for pain control following total knee arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia: a randomized controlled trial.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014
20. Tsukada S, Fujishiro H, Watanabe K, Nimura A, Mochizuki T, Mahakkanukrauh P, Yasuda K, Akita K.
Anatomic variations of the lateral intercondylar ridge: relationship to the anterior margin of the anterior cruciate ligament.
Am J Sports Med. 2014
21. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M, Matsueda M.
Metal block augmentation for bone defects of the medial tibia during primary total knee arthroplasty.
J Orthop Surg Res. 2013
22. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Otsuji M, Shiozaki A, Yamamoto A, Komatsu S, Yoshimura H, Ikeda H, Hoshino A.
Locking versus non-locking neutralization plates for treatment of lateral malleolar fractures: a randomized controlled trial.
Int Orthop. 2013
23. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M, Matsueda M.
Uncemented third-generation ceramic-on-ceramic total hip arthroplasty using metal acetabular shell with direct taper locking liner.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2013
24. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Hoshino A, Cho S, Ikeda H.
Intraoperative soft tissue tension and postoperative range of motion in posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasty.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2013
25. Tsukada S, Ikeda H, Seki Y, Shimaya M, Hoshino A, Niga S.
Intramedullary screw fixation with bone autografting to treat proximal fifth metatarsal metaphyseal-diaphyseal fracture in athletes: a case series.
Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol. 2012
26. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Okumura G, Matsueda M.
Postoperative stability on lateral radiographs in the surgical treatment of pertrochanteric hip fractures.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2012
27. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M.
Bulk femoral head autograft without decortication in uncemented total hip arthroplasty: seven- to ten-year results.
J Arthroplasty. 2012
28. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M.
Decreased accuracy of acetabular cup placement for imageless navigation in obese patients.
J Orthop Sci. 2010
29. Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M.
Minimally invasive intermuscular approach does not improve outcomes in bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture.
J Orthop Sci. 2010
1. Saito M, Niga S, Suzuki K, Ikezawa Y, Tsukada S.
Prognosis of incomplete avulsion of the proximal hamstring tendon is determined by the avulsion location of the proximal hamstring tendon footprint.
Clin J Sport Med. In Press
2. Sato H, Abe H, Ikeda A, Miyagawa T, Sato K, Tsukada S.
Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for pelvic organ prolapse in the elderly: safety and outcomes.
J Obstet Gynaecol. In Press
3. Saito M, Niga S, Nihei T, Uomizu M, Ikezawa Y, Tsukada S.
The cleft sign may be an independent factor of magnetic resonance imaging findings associated with a delayed return-to-play time in athletes with groin pain.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2021
4. Kurosaka K, Tsukada S, Ogawa H, Nishino M, Nakayama T, Yoshiya S, Hirasawa N.
Addition of corticosteroid to periarticular injections reduces postoperative pain following total hip arthroplasty under general anaesthesia: a double-blind randomized controlled trial.
Bone Joint J. 2020
5. Ogawa H, Kurosaka K, Sato A, Hirasawa N, Matsubara M, Tsukada S.
Does augmented reality-based portable navigation system improve the accuracy of acetabular component orientation during THA?
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2020
6. Kurosaka K, Tsukada S, Ogawa H, Nishino M, Yoshiya S, Hirasawa N.
Comparison of early-stage and late-stage periarticular injection for pain relief after total hip arthroplasty: a double-blind randomized controlled trial.
J Arthroplasty. 2020
7. Sato A, Okuda N, Tsukada S, Kimura A, Kase M, Matsubara M.
Midterm outcomes and frequency of osteolysis of total hip arthroplasty using cementless modular stem for Asian patients.
J Arthroplasty. 2020
8. Kimura A, Jinno T, Tsukada S, Matsubara M, Koga H.
Detection of total hip prostheses at airport security checkpoints.
J Orthop Sci. 2020
9. Yamamoto N, Tsukada S, Kawai J, Ueda D, Noda T, Ozaki T.
Calcaneal insufficiency fractures following total knee arthroplasty: Classification and clinical findings.
Injury. 2019
10. 10. Iseki T, Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M, Kurosaka K, Yoshiya S.
Percutaneous periarticular multi-drug injection at one day after total knee arthroplasty as a component of multimodal pain management: a randomized control trial.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2019
11. Saito M, Tsukada S, Fujita N, Rahman M, Morita W, Kitamura N, Tasaki A.
Post-operative pain control following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: peri-articular injection versus interscalene brachial plexus block.
Int Orthop. In press
12. Hirasawa N, Kurosaka K, Nishino M, Nakayama T, Matsubara M, Tsukada S.
No clinically important difference in pain scores after THA between periarticular analgesic injection and placebo: a randomized trial.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2018
13. Iseki T, Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M, Yoshiya S.
Intravenous tranexamic acid only versus combined intravenous and intra-articular tranexamic acid for perioperative blood loss in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty.
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2018
14. Ogawa H, Hasegawa S, Tsukada S, Matsubara M.
A pilot study of augmented reality technology applied to the acetabular cup placement during total hip arthroplasty.
J Arthroplasty. 2018
15. Kurosaka K, Tsukada S, Nakayama H, Iseki T, Kanto R, Sugama R, Yoshiya S.
Periarticular injection versus femoral nerve block for pain relief after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a randomized controlled trial.
Arthroscopy. 2018
16. Murata-Ooiwa M, Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Wakui M.
Intravenous acetaminophen in multimodal pain management for patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
J Arthroplasty. 2017
17. Fujishiro H, Tsukada S, Nakamura T, Nimura A, Mochizuki T, Akita K.
Attachment area of fibres from the horns of lateral meniscus: anatomic study with special reference to the positional relationship of anterior cruciate ligament.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017
18. Saito M, Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Yoshida K, Okada Y, Tasaki A.
Correlation of alpha angle between various radiographic projections and radial magnetic resonance imaging for cam deformity in femoral head-neck junction.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017
19. Kayamori S, Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Sato M, Komata K, Isida Y, Wakui M.
Impact of postoperative compression dressing using polyethylene foam pad on the multimodal protocol for swelling control following total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial.
Arthroplasty Today. 2016
20. Nakayama T, Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Hiyama T, Yamada T, Hirasawa N.
Impact of Active Ankle Movement Frequency on Velocity of Lower Limb Venous Flow following Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Adv Orthop. 2016
21. Okada Y, Tsukada S (Corresponding author), Saito M, Tasaki A.
Simultaneous Bilateral Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip without Pregnancy.
Case Reports in Orthopedics. 2016
22. Kurosaka K, Tsukada S, Seino D, Morooka T, Nakayama H, Yoshiya S.
Local infiltration analgesia versus continuous femoral nerve block in pain relief after total knee arthroplasty: A randomized controlled trial.
J Arthroplasty. 2016
塚田 幸行, 岩田 勇児, 佐藤 雄, 天羽 健太郎, 田崎 篤, 伊藤 幹人, 辻 荘市, 黒田 栄史, 井上 肇
塚田 幸行, 星野 明穂, 島谷 雅之, 吉村 英哉, 望月 智之, 池田 浩夫
変形性膝関節症に対する鏡視下デブリードマン 人工膝関節置換術施行例からの検討
塚田 幸行, 星野 明穂, 池田 浩夫, 吉村 英哉, 望月 智之, 島谷 雅之, 塩崎 彰, 高橋 徹, 小松 秀郎, 仲津留 恵日, 尾辻 正樹, 塩田 幹夫
塚田 幸行, 星野 明穂, 池田 浩夫, 塩崎 彰, 島谷 雅之, 林 将也, 望月 智之, 吉村 英哉
JOSKAS. 2012
塚田 幸行, 松枝 宗則, 奥村 剛, 原 敬, 川越 得弘, 堀苑 英寛
整形・災害外科. 2012
塚田 幸行, 奥村 剛, 菅原 留奈, 金城 忠克, 松枝 宗則, 山本 康行
整形・災害外科. 2011
塚田 幸行, 仲宗根 素子, 忽那 岳志, 山本 康行
骨折. 2010